Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day Oh-Four

Day Four-Thursday.

Woodshop.  Spent the whole time exploring, exploring, exploring.   Grateful for this time so I can make a mental map of the space.  Still not feeling a 100% with the layout, but definitely feeling more comfortable than the day before.  Progress.

Braille.  Still plugging along.  Believe I worked on letters and words, using the letters A-G.  My Braille teacher is very patient and encouraging.

Home Management.  Practiced cutting, cutting, cutting.  I transferred the roast to a cutting board and sliced it.  I added the sliced pieces and veggies to a tupperware.  I then worked on cutting different types of fruit to make a fruit salad.  The fruit included: an apple, mango, pineapple, and banana.  One of my fellow classmates made a fruit smoothie and a sweet onion salad dressing.  The other was working on preparing a corn souffle.   She made a bacon, tomato, mushroom omelette yesterday.

After class some of the instructors and students stayed in the classroom and we enjoyed the roast and veggies.  I have never prepared a roast using broth, typically add water or a can of coke.   If I were to do it again, I would have cut the veggies a lot thicker since it cooked for almost 24 hours and added a little more seasoning.  Overall, it turned out better than I thought.

Orientation & Mobility.  This was a very challenging class today.  My instructor asked me to find different employees throughout the building.  My first assignment was to find the library for the blind and ask an employee how I could sign up for services as an employee for DSBVI.   Because of my children, I was pretty familiar with where the library was located.  I verified how I would get there from my instructor's office,  and away I went.  I first found the check in desk where I said hello to Sharon.  I then proceeded down the tiled hallway to where I thought the library was.  I walked until I came to a dead-end and wasn't sure where I was.   I felt a sign on the wall and it had Braille on it.  "What the heck, maybe I can read a few letters".  "L".."I"...B"  NO WAY!!  I found the library AND I read the sign TACTUALLY in Braille.  I didn't care who was looking and did a fist pump in the air.  I located the entrance and asked if I could speak to someone about opening up an account.  I quickly realized I was talking to Sara Pitkin who I have spoke to many times regarding my children's library account.  We had a lovely chat.  While we were talking, two women came in the library and started asking questions about why I had a "mindfold" (name of the shades I wear) on.  I talked about cross training, found out they have 3 "older" sisters in their family with macular degeneration.  They came to visit learn more about the services DSBVI and the library provided.  They were very fun to talk to and wished me luck on my next assignment.  I quickly returned to my instructor.

The second challenge was to find 4 people in the building.  3 of the 4 people I was unable to meet my first day of work.  I had no idea who they were or where their offices were.  My instructor told me their names several times and said "good luck" after asking her for some hints.  Hahaha.  I went back to the front and talked with Sharon at the "check-in" desk.  I explained who I was looking for and asked her if she could tell me what division they worked in.  Once I understood what their job was, I clarified the hall/location where their offices were.  Long story short, I spent about an hour successfully locating the offices, asking questions and having really interesting conversations (some short, some long) with the people I met.

Keyboarding.  I started about a half an hour early for keyboarding, which was a good thing because it seems like my computer always needs a re-start.  I really like the typing program I am using as it reviews basic keyboarding skills, along with basic Jaws commands.  If memory serves me correctly, I am close to 20 lessons.

Day Oh-five will be written later.

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