Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 3, 4, and 5. Sike, Only Day 3.

Update time.  Day Three.

Come back because I will write about my adventures finding the library and people I had met once or never met.  I will also share how my trip to TJMaxx went today with 2 other students and 2 instructors.

First, YES, I am still obviously here.  I survived the first week of work.  This has been one of the most challenging, rewarding, exhausting work weeks of my life.  I quickly stop complaining because I have an awesome fellow co-worker "A" (who will remain nameless until I get her approval) who started 3 weeks before me.  She too is going through "cross training" but has a much busier life.  She has two very young children, still nursing one, and of recent is getting very little sleep.  She shows up to work on time, energized, positive, and ready to learn!  I love people that don't complain and do what they have to do.  The people I work with are fantastic!  There is a very positive vibe from the people I've met.  Feeling blessed.

So.. Wednesday, Thursday, today.

Wednesday was a MUCH better day than Tuesday.  I was feeling a little like this after work on Tuesday so I wasn't sure how I was going to react to Wednesday's learning fest.

Wednesday morning started out with woodshop.  I found my way to the classroom (shop) and was greeted with the smells of saw dust, wood, and varnish.   My instructor had several students finishing their small projects, so he invited me to explore the room.   My Home Management teacher had a free hour, so he called me over to see what he was doing.   He was working with a lathe and making his fourth and final spindle leg for a table.  My woodworking instructor explained that I will be using tools I could find in any large woodshop.  Aside from two lathes, I found all varieties of saws, drill press, routers, hand tools, industrial sanders, etc..   I also found a large area where students are working together to make a canoe for the center.  I am sure there is more, but I am still discovering.  Some peeps might ask, "Why would this be a beneficial class?" "How does that relate to employment?  I have an answer, but would like to hear your opinions.

After woodshop I went to Braille, where I am slowly TACTUALLY reading uncontracted braille.  I know the alphabet and a few whole word contractions visually, but that is where my wealth of knowledge ends.  It's been fun reading Braille tactually and takes a lot of practice!!  I am finding practice to be a bit difficult to fit in after a long day of work and getting the kids settled.  I read a few lines after my husband turned off the lights and feel asleep reading.  Haha!

After an hour of Braille, I headed to Home Management where I spent time preparing a roast and vegetables for a crock pot meal.  My instructor showed me different and safe methods of peeling and cutting potatoes, carrots, and celery.  I added broth and seasoned with salt, pepper, and garlic salt.  Finally, plugged the pot in and set it to low.  We weren't sure which switch set the pot:  [on, low, or high].  We agreed to set it to the "middle" setting, guessing left was off and right was high.   I learned before purchase,  it would be very important to ask a salesperson how any appliance worked to make sure it was accessible or could be made accessible with a few tactual markings.   We wash our own dishes every class, put them away, and wipe down counters after we are done.

Mike surprised me and took me to lunch which was a good break.  The "break" from sleepshades is nice to reboot for the afternoon lessons.  Mike has bee "over the top" supportive in this new venture which I have appreciated so much!

After lunch I spent two hours working on Orientation and Mobility (O&M).  I practiced my cane techniques, walking along the North hallways from the East & West doors.  I did my "class route" again and was given the challenge to find my supervisor's office.  Little by little I am feeling more comfortable traveling and finding landmarks in the building.  I have personally known my O&M instructor for over 10 years and have massive respect for her.  It's been fun being her student and learning how she teaches, challenges, encourages, and knows how to push me without pushing me over the edge.

Keyboarding was a lot better!  A substitute came in and logged me in so I was able to start right into the lessons.  I have learned some different commands related to Jaws which has been fun and challenging as well.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! Going through sleep shade training is tough, so hang in there! Love reading about your journey. If it helps at all, I totally cried every. single. day. for like the first 3 weeks I was under shades. Yikes. You go girl. Keep those posts coming! :)
