Monday, August 19, 2013

We're Going to Party Like It's 1996

November 23, 1996, the day before my oldest was born.  It was also the last time I worked full time "outside of the home"...  until, today.  Coming on 17 friggin years, peeps.  Deep breath.

The past 16 years, I have spent most of my days caring for my children, keeping the house in order, dabbling in a few part time ventures, volunteering my butt off, and advocating for the educational rights of children with special needs.  It's been a joy.   So why the change?

Aside from the upcoming "big" expenses of missions, college, and marriages.. I have had this nagging feeling of getting back into the grind.  I grappled with the idea of starting my own business, furthering my education.. but nothing felt "worth" jumping feet first into a full time commitment.  Until now.

I have always been impressed with Utah's Vocational Rehabilitation Center that services blind and visually impaired adults (DSBVI).  When I developed Project STRIVE, I was able to hire and work closely with competent, successful, blind adults who were full time instructors at the center.  They not only worked their 40 hours a week, helping blind and visually impaired individuals reach their highest potential, but they were passionate about spending their day off (Saturday) helping transitioned aged teens.   It was a beautiful thing.

Several weeks ago I was offered a position and today I officially started working for the Division of Services for Blind & Visually Impaired as a "Sensory Impairment Specialist".  My two youngest also started school the same day/time.   Luckily, my awesome husband took charge of carpool, ironing school clothes and balancing the morning, taking the children's calls, and pick ups.. so I could have a positive first day.

So.. what will I be doing?  For starts, I will be going through an intense training for 3-4 months.  The center calls it  "Cross Training" where I will be working alongside students and being taught by instructors in 1) Woodshop 2) Braille 3) Home Management 4) Orientation & Mobility & 5) Keyboarding and eventually Technology.  The kicker, I will be doing all of this training under sleep shades (blindfolds), 7 hours per day.  After the training.. I will be assigned an instructor position which remains a mystery.

I will be using this blog to share my feelings and experiences I will have each day during this training period.  I am excited, scared, have feelings of inadequacy, and open minded to what lies ahead.

Today, I spent most of my time getting introduced to staff & going over policy & procedures.   I officially started, or "launched" (as my supervisor announced) "cross training" a few hours before the day ended.   My first class, ORIENTATION & MOBILITY.  Ask my kids.  Finding addresses & knowing which direction I am headed is not my forte'.  This class frankly makes my stomach cramp.  I put on my sleep shades, spent time talking to my instructor about the value of cross training, grabbed my long white cane, headed out my office door, and took a left to the back of the building.    I was taught a few rules.. how to hold the cane in my palm (don't grip tight), tap it shoulder width, don't tap higher than 1" off the ground, tap in sequence, don't tap hard against the wall.  I was taught to keep my chin up, "look" toward where I am going and problem solve when I get stuck or turned around.   Yes, I got stuck and turned around.  The cool thing is,  my instructor didn't say... this is where you should go but rather, "Where do you think you are?"  "How do you think you can get out?"
"What are things you remember passing?"   I think this type of instruction was brilliant.  Even though I wanted her to point me in the right direction, especially when I was stuck.. she allowed me to explore and then gave me the freedom to figure or problem solve on my own.  I was able to find my classes for tomorrow and return to my office.  I learned a few non visually tips such as using guide finger to place the key and unlock my door.  It was very enlightening experience.. and this was just the first 90 minutes of the next 600 hours.  Crazy!!

Tomorrow awaits a longer day under sleep shades and more experiences to come.


  1. Very proud of you sister...I am sure this will bless your live in hundreds of ways!

  2. Awe. Some. What an interesting & singularly insightful training you are going to have! Thanks for letting us enjoy it with you!

  3. What an excellent adventure you are starting Marla! Can't wait to read more about your experiences.
