Saturday, September 3, 2011

So, does FOUR followers mean I should officially blog daily?

4 followers.  That's big time.  4 me.   Bonus, I know all 4 of them.  25%  are relatives.

Been a busy Saturday doing nothing but... sleeping in until 10:00,  watching my youngest soccer game, implemented 3 sessions of brain highways, got my groove on (i.e. cleaning), watched this over and over and over with the kids (I like to hear them ALL giggle), and finished the day at orange leaf ( yum-o).   The day is almost over, but I have this nagging urge that I must write something today.

No words of wisdoms, no funny stories, no pictures of my child's soccer game.  I know, lame.

Wait,  I did get a hilarious email from my oldest sister on her 24 hour flight adventure with her 3 children back to their home in Qatar.  Yes, she lives in Qatar with her family and has done so for the past 5 years.  I'm past the "ARE YOU CRAZY??" stage and think it's the perfect fit for them, even though I miss them like crazy.   My talented brother in law, Kevin works for Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Arts Department.   So, why Qatar?  Qatar founded "Education City", a fourteen million meter (don't ask me how big that is) campus with six of the world's largest leading universities.  VCU happens to be one.   My sister and her family stay there during the school year and come back to Utah for a few months during the summer break to..(reconnect with family and friends, hang out and kiss the floors at Costco, and get all their bajillion checkups for the year.  Their trip back home begins with packing their life into 8 duffle bags with a weight limit of 50 pounds each and spending the next 24 hours getting back "home" trapped in the air.  They call it a success if all their bags make it and no one pukes on the plane or a fellow passenger takes off their shoes and plants their feet on the two arm rests (true story).

I'm awaiting an email from Cyd to get her written permission to post her email on here because  I thought it was most blog worthy.  Plus, who else knows anyone that lives, works, breathes.. in the freakin' middle east?  *hand raised*  Me.

I have saved this spot _______________________________________________. (for the email).  No pressure Cyd.  Oh wait, you are not one of my FOUR followers.

Til tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You have my permission, but may I censor myself a bit first? I feel the need to politically correct myself in several sentences. Of course the silky G comment has to go. Uh, then I must not discriminate. I must name all beloved ethnic groups aboard said plane. Can't single out the most pungent. And then to single out poor G's flatulence is not really fair. I'm sure B & even J shared plenty. Me, nope, of course not. Mom's don't fart or sweat, or swear. OK I do swear in my head regularly. After hour 12.45 on the plane "what the _____?" did cross my mind. Yes. Stinkiest flight EVAAAAAARRR!
