A question comes from the back of the car this morning, "Mom, what were you doing outside last night?" I ignore the question as I brace myself before taking a peak at the lawn. Not too shabby.
"Oh, mommy was mowing the lawn."
Last night at about 8:16 p.m. I was cleaning the kitchen, post-dinner and starting the process of getting the kids in bed. I was a bit annoyed that no one was in sight to help after I "slaved" to prepare a nice meal. Buck it on it, I need a break. Some "me time". Pronto. I march outside. "Good, there's a little light left in the day." Check the gasoline level, pull the rope, and away I go. 8:47 p.m. finished in the dark. Did I get everything?
I remember when we first moved into this neighborhood I was outside mowing and edging the lawn. A man from our neighborhood pulled up in his car to talk to my husband. I overheard him say, "How did you get your wife to do that?" I chuckled at Mike's response (something to the affect of) "I don't GET my wife to do anything. She loves this."
Yup, mowing the lawn to me is like yoga to others. Why?
It may be because having a deep green, well groomed yard was important to my father. Growing up with had the perfect grass (along with a weed-free yard & spectacular garden). The lawn was so perfect that it became the mini-scrimmage area for the neighborhood. That is, until my dad was tired of us tromping the ground and put a barrier of trees and flowers between us and the Wisers (our neighbor). Waawaaa... that ended that.
It may be because I LOVE the smell of freshly cut grass. Every time I step outside and get a wiff, it carries me back to my carefree youth which was spent mostly outdoors. My mom having 5 children, often encouraged us to go out and play. Once we were all outside, you could hear the door click locked. Don't blame her. Soccer practices til' dusk, eating a fresh peach while laying under our fruit trees, playing hide and seek with neighbor friends, exploring the gully, riding our bikes up and down Northern Hills Drive.
Or.. mowing the lawn is so therapeutic due to the simple fact you start with something that needs some care and with a little action get a positive result and you know you get to do it again soon.
Gotta go run and edge (and fix my mistakes).
I'm very proud of your blog. Good work! Don't tell Kevin about the lawn business. That work is for men.